Life at PCRK

The PCRK Blog

How to Create a Comfortable and Ergonomic Workspace

Creating a comfortable and ergonomic workspace is essential for preventing discomfort and injuries and promoting better physical well-being. This is especially crucial for estheticians and massage therapists who spend long hours on their feet or working with clients. Here are five tips to help you set up an ergonomic workstation:  1. Choose the Right Chair  … Read more

Professional Development in Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a dynamic and ever-evolving field. As a massage therapist, investing in ongoing education and professional development is key to enhancing your skills and providing the best possible care for your clients. There are many opportunities for professional growth for massage therapists. We’ve outlined ways you can continually enhance your skills and stay … Read more

20 Years With PCRK Group: Antonia

My name is Antonia. I’m a licensed massage therapist. I hopefully help people relax, get through their days, get through their weeks, and just massage.  I’ve been doing it for 20 years. It’s been wonderful, working for PCRK Group.   What did you want to be when you were growing up?  Growing up, I wanted to … Read more

20 Years With PCRK Group: Precious

My name is Precious Perez, and I’m a massage therapist for 20 years at 101 with PCRK.   What did you want to be when you were growing up?  I actually wanted to be a psychiatrist.   Why did you choose to go into massage therapy?  Over 20 years ago, probably 21 years ago, my son got … Read more

5 Benefits of Working for a Franchise Spa

In the bustling world of massage therapy, finding the perfect balance between pursuing your passion and managing the practicalities of running a business can be a challenge. However, there’s one easy solution: franchise spas. Offering a host of advantages, franchise spas, such as PCRK Group, provide a supportive environment where massage therapists can thrive. We’ve … Read more

The Importance of Self-Care for Massage Therapists

In the world of massage therapy, where the primary focus is on healing and relaxation, it’s easy for therapists to overlook their own well-being. Yet, the importance of self-care practices for massage therapists cannot be overstated. From incorporating stretching exercises and maintaining proper body mechanics to implementing stress management techniques, prioritizing self-care not only enhances … Read more
Paula Nichols

20 Year Milestone: Paula Nichols

In a recent interview marking her remarkable 20-year milestone with PCRK Group, Paula Nichols, a seasoned massage therapist, shared insights into her journey, expertise, and the joy she finds in helping clients achieve wellness. Paula’s Path to Massage Originally considering a career in nursing, Paula redirected her path after realizing her passion for promoting health … Read more